Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back-logged news updates

A new grassroots group is forming that is passionate about the support and defense of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. It is called SymphonyStrong. Visit to sign up for news updates. The site officially goes live on April 1!

Recently published here and abroad about the Columbus Symphony:

> Columbus Dispatch Article: "Could it really die?" (3/14)
> Columbus Dispatch Talkback Article: "Balance a top goal in symphony stories" (3/15)
> Abu Bratsche: "On to plan B in Columbus" (3/15)
> Columbus Dispatch Article: "Cacophony could drown out symphony" (3/16)
> Adaptistration: "In Columbus, The War Of The Rhetoric Begins" (3/17)
> Columbus Dispatch Article: "Musicians, board agree to start discussing future" (3/18)
> Adaptistration: "Dynamic Consequences Taking Shape In Columbus" (3/18)
> Adaptistration: "Columbus Travels Around the Blogosphere" (3/19)
> Columbus Dispatch Letter-to-the-editor: "Symphony board manipulating opinion" (3/20)
> Columbus Dispatch Article: "Negotiations under way" (3/21)
> Columbus Dispatch Editorial: "Do or die: Symphony must find way to live within smaller budget or see funding disappear" (3/22)
> Columbus Dispatch Article: "Reaching a low note" (3/24)
> Columbus Dispatch Editorial: "Like NetJets, CSO is worth keeping in city" (3/24)
> Columbus Dispatch Editorial: "Orchestra's board needs an overhaul" (3/24)
> Adaptistration: "As Negotiations Continue, Columbus Eyes Cash Flow" (3/24)

I apologize to the readers for this mass update. But there is the news. I would highly encourage readers to check out the CSO Symphony Musicians news page for commentary/rebuttals on some of the articles listed here.

Thanks for your support of the Columbus Symphony!

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